Sunday, May 1, 2011

With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine.

That's also true for almost anything.  I know from experience.

So within the last two weeks, there have been two shootings around my apartment, and two student muggings.  Welcome to Atlanta.  Apparently the Dark Side has taken over, as we also have Storm Troopers directing traffic [see facebook photo].  However, whilst talking about this issues in one of my classes, a certain student failed to see the circumstances for what they really were.  Every time somebody voiced a concern, she would retort with some kind of "cup-half-full" nonsense that had nothing to do with helping the problem.  Now I'm not saying optimism is a bad thing, on the contrary, it's a great thing if it's in reasonable doses.  Full-on blind optimism, however, is ridiculous.  I like to call it "Light-At-The-End-Of-The-Tunnel Vision".  Now there's no name for optimism like there is for pessimism (ex. Negative Nancy, Pessimist Patty), but if there was, she's in my class and she needs a good dose of Life Sucks to bring her down to the normal level.   And judging by this paragraph, I could probably use a little of what she's got.

I hate when you type a word, and you're 100% positive you've spelled it right, and spell check agrees with you, but then you look at the word, I mean really look at it, and you think there's absolutely no way that it's right.  All of a sudden the spelling looks ridiculous, then you start questioning your sanity, thus beginning a downward spiral in which you drop out of college, lose your job, your significant other leaves you, and you inevitably end up under a bridge in the middle of Birmingham, Alabama asking for spare change and waiting to die.  All because "atrocious" looked a little strange.

So I was thinking about having contests on here, like questions or something, and then whoever commented first with the right answer or completed it first would get something.  Then I started thinking, "What the hell do I have that's anyone at all wants?  And more importantly that I'm willing to give away."  Well I came to the conclusion that there isn't much, but I've decided that if I do that I'm going to mail the winner something of my choosing, and you won't know what it is until you get it.  It could be anything from a money to a note to something that's been sitting on my desk for three years that I've never used.  (For example, that stupid little green stapler.)  Anyway, if y'all would be down for that, gimme a shout.  If not, well I'm not asking you.

Have any of you seen the show "The Closer"?  I'm going to assume you nodded.  Well whoever the woman is that's the lead character is, she makes me want to punch infants.  There's something about how a small hick woman can intimidate a 230 lb prison inmate that just strikes me as a little bit of a stretch.  Also, anybody that says, "They're going to kill you dead" deserves to be killed dead.  It's redundant and you should be silent for the sake of humanity.  Other countries think we're stupid already, we don't need people like you going around a proving them right.

You know what I find funny?  The word "hip."  I'm talking about "hip" as a descriptive term.  It has got to be the most counterproductive word in the english language.   Supposedly it means cool, up to date, and with it (which is a stretch as well).  What I find ironic is that as soon as you use the word, such as in saying, "I'm hip", you immediately prove that whatever you're talking about is exactly the opposite of what you belive "hip" to mean.  So let me break this down for the parents, grandparents, marketing agencies, etc:  When you use hip to describe something, you better be talking talking about that area on the human body inflate by sugary snacks that connects the legs to the torso.  Otherwise, you will instantly lose all creditability with the younger generations.

Color Of The Week:  Green.

Shout out to Annie Holm.

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