Sunday, May 1, 2011

I think animal testing is a terrible idea, they get all nervous and give the wrong answers.

Ohhhhhhh, like testing ON animals.  That's completely different.  Well actually I don't really care about that either.  I'm sure the lipstick makes the girl mice feel very pretty.

I spent last weekend in Athens, Georgia visiting my sister and some friends.  On Saturday, me and one particular friend, who we'll call Oscar Meyer, went got dinner and had a near traumatizing ride home.  Oscar was driving his car, a GNC Tahoe Z-Seventy Billion or something, and we were approaching a red light. As we were slowing down, a couple was walking on the sidewalk in the opposite direction, so Oscar decided to give them a friendly wake up call.  At around 25 mph, he swerved his car at the people, only a little bit, nothing to serious, and then straightened back out onto the road.  from the perspective of the walkers, it was quick enough to not really be sure it happened, but long enough to jump out of your skin and pee yourself.  As we both laugh maniacally and check to look at their expressions, the car in front of us  suddenly stops.  Now don't be mislead, I've described this in detail, but all of this went down in about 1-2 seconds.  Mr. Meyer slammed on his breaks, and we both had near heart attacks.  Ladies and Gentlemen, the moral of this story is that Karma is pissed.  It's been overlooked in the recent past and now it is fighting back, and it's getting stronger and quicker in it's retaliations, so be careful.

On the way back from Athens I had a nice little dose of nerdy awesomeness, as well.  I took a shuttle because all of my "friends" in Athens were too busy to drive me to Atlanta.  My shuttle driver was an interesting character to say the least, and his claim to fame, at least in his world, was that he grew up on a street called Lois Lane.  The street next to this was called Superman Boulevard.  That, my friends, is awesome.  I can only hope that somewhere in the near vicinity there was a Lex Lutheran Church.

After taking a year off of college I was beyond ready to go back.  After being back for a year I would sell my soul in a heartbeat to be done.  Funny how that works, huh?  Regardless, during my time off a certain person who will not be named told me I needed to go back because I was being unproductive.  I don't mean to be mean, but that certain person is easily the most uneducated, lazy person I've ever had the fortune of meeting.  At a certain point, it's kind of like Lindsay Lohan walking into your intervention and telling you to take it down a notch.  Let's not be hypocritical please.

Did you know that America owns a 1/17th portion of Antarctica?  Yea, neither did I.  Maybe one day it will melt down and there will be a country's worth of oil down there.  That'd be nice.

In my Global Issues class (real necessary for an engineering major...) we talked today about nationalism, and problems with it in America.  The specific topic was different groups that need to get along, and one girl said she just wished that Democrats and Republicans would live in harmony.  Yea, and Texans, Californians, and New Yorkers can all be best friends.  Then we can all hop on our unicorns and ride to work

Random Fact of the Day: It would take 7 billion particles of fog to fill a teaspoon.

Shout out to Brendan O'Connor

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