Sunday, May 1, 2011

We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police.

And frankly I'm completely okay with that.  Side Note: The phrase "And frankly" makes me think of Anne Frank.  That has literally nothing to with the rest of this blog.  Enjoy.

I find "maturing" funny.  Not fun, just funny.  It's actually the exact opposite of fun.  It's like somebody telling you, "You know all those things you do that are fun and make you truly happy and innocent?  Well you can't do those anymore.  Welcome to society."  Anyway, I find it funny because of the constantly changing opinions of people as they age.  To illustrate, I've chosen the thoughts on school and work and how they change through the years.  Let's begin....

Age 4:

Age 9:
School- "Yea, we had another birthday party after recess.  I love school."

Age 15:
School- "Ugh, I HATE school.  This place is a fucking dungeon.  I am way too cool for this crap."
Work- "Do I have work soon?"

Age 20:
School- "I LOVE this place!!  College is awesome! I never want to leave!!"
Work- "Oh that?  It's just a little job on the side so I have money to drink on the weekends and eat something other than Ramen."

Age 24:
School- "GET. ME. OUT. OF. HERE.  I hate school, I can't wait to leave and I never want to come back."
Work-  "I just quit, I can't wait to get a real job next year."

Age 25:
School- "i wish i was back in school...."
Work- "Work?!  You found me work?!?!  Thank the heavens!!!"

Age 40:
Work- "Well at least I'm settled in.  Stability is good."

Age 65:
Work- "Retirement.  It's so close.  I can almost touch it."

Age 66:
Work- "I have NEVER been this bored in my life."

Consistency is not one of the human race's best attributes.

I am Southern, and as so I have a set of manners ingrained into my being.  The first and most important rule is that a man never hits a woman. I will always abide by this rules until I die, save for two exceptions.  If I ever run in to either of these two women, I swear I will slap them.  The first is the lead actor from The Closer.  The second is Tim Tebow.  There is something about that Closer woman that makes me want to break things, specifically her face.  Tim Tebow, well, he's just the antichrist.

I find a lot of things entertaining, not the least of which are lower back tattoos, also known as LBT's, Tramp Stamps, etc.  I'm sorry if anybody out there reading this has one, but I just think a little better judgement could have been used.  The other day I was lucky/unlucky enough to see not only a tramp stamp, but a tribal tramp stamp.  And it doesn't end there, oh no.  It was on a guy.  To be honest, I don't even know where to go from here.  In fact I'm just going to let y'all take it from here.  I'll end it with some advice for the guy:  Either don't get one in the first place, or at least wear a shirt long enough to cover it.  You're scaring the children.

There are many reasons to run.  For example you could be participating in a track meet, playing a game of tag, or countless other causes.  Recently I was forced to awkwardly run for a reason I never knew existed.  Let's start with some background examples.  Have you ever been standing somewhere and you knew somebody was behind you and to your right, but then when you turned around they had moved to your left side?  It makes you jump.  Have you ever done this in a confined space, such as an elevator?  Have you ever done this while sneezing?  If you haven't figured out what happened by now.....well I thought the man was behind me on my right side, and my arms were full, so with no other options I turned to my left to sneeze.  He had moved.  Let's just say it wasn't subtle.  He may have been caught in the crossfire.  And by that I mean I coated him.  I've been in some awkward situations, but they have always been something that I could joke myself out of or change the topic.  I was shocked.  I awkwardly stared at the elevator doors until they opened, on the wrong floor nonetheless, and literally ran out of the elevator.  Needless to say I don't take elevators anymore.

Why is it that the only time a classroom is absolutely silent is after a teacher asks if there are any questions, and either everybody understands or nobody has a freaking clue what she's talking about?

Fact of the Day:  Due to earth's gravity, it is impossible for mountains to be higher than 49,000 feet.

Shout out to Dru Fickling.

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