Sunday, May 1, 2011

Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

It's never happened to me, but I thought I would just relay the warning.  I don't think I need to go into detail for you to see the possibilities.

I apologize, for this blog is going to be short.  I just don't have much to say.  I know it's weird, but put down your gavel and stop judging.  I don't see you doing any work for this either.  Hypocrite.

Hey, I've got an idea.  Let's talk about music.  Music is good.  Now let's talk about things that make me want to shoot myself in the face.  We'll start with Rebecca Black.  Congratulations, you have officially obliterated the saying "TGIF."  (That stands for "Thanks Goodness It's Friday" for you sheltered folk.)  Now when it get's to Friday I can't help but think of that song, and have on many occasions blacked out and punched the nearest person to me, which is resulting is a myriad of lawsuits.  Ms. Black, when you sing your song, I do thing "TGIF," but it's now standing for "Thank God It's Finished."  The next subject is Bruno Mars and his song "Grenade."  Now I'll be the first to admit I was a fan of this song when it first came out.  It's catchy, it's everywhere.  What am I to do?  What troubles me is the lyrics.  Bruno Mars, I realized you face the daily career challenge of finding new songs to produce, but you miiight have slightly more pressing issues.  Say, I don't know, the fact that someone is lobbing grenades at you and people you love?  Priorities man, just sayin.

Have you ever thought about how weird a laugh is?  Why, when we think something is funny, do we twitch and stutter a yell at loud volumes?  AH-HA-AH-HA.  Really think about it.  It's freaking weird.

Acronym of the Day:  MILF- Midget I'd Like to Fight.

Fact of the Day:  There are more telephones than people in Washington D.C.

Also, I'm thinking of changing the design of the site.  For once, I'd love to hear your opinions.  Comment below or send me a message with what you think.

Shout out to Ryan Fehling.

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