You know what else is awesome? Have you ever had a song stuck in your head for a long time and you can't think of what song it is. Then, in an epiphany, you realize it's that one song from the [shmeh] commercial! But the problem deepens, because you know where it's from, and you know the words but you just can't think of the name or who sings it. (Side note: Googling is cheating.) Anyway, that feeling you get when you remember what song it is......Wow. Yea, it's like play air hockey with God.
I've noticed that if I leave my belt in the pants I wore yesterday, there is a 90% chance that they will become today's pants.
I noticed today that taking an unfamiliar route to anywhere is absolutely terrifying. Especially if you religiously take the usual route, and don't ever stray. Today, in a fit of spontaneity, I decided to swing by the bank before my first class. Turns out that was a BIG mistake. Because I came from a different angle, when I got to the turn I was supposed to take to go to the right building, I broke down into a state of utter panic. I hesitated in the middle of an intersection, and retreated back to the starting corner after a car honked at me. I stood, debating, for a couple of seconds, and decided I must have gone the wrong way. Long story short, I was fifteen minutes late to class, and it turns out my class building was one block away from the bank, not where I ended up, which looked like a combination of an underground Little Italy and Adam Sandler's basement.
I know I had a blurb about this a couple of weeks ago, but it's gotten worse. Today in my majority black and homosexual political science class, we compared the war against Civil Right to the Gay Rights movement, and debated which one was/is harder and more valid. Not a single white person spoke. I have no problem with either, but god dammit I'm terrified in that class. Please send help, or I might be killed.
You know what sucks? Overly tanned people. Today I was walking to class and passed a boutique store. It was a pretty big one, and had a ton of mannequins inside, and even one outside. Except the one outside was actually a real person. I have never seen somebody look that fake in my entire life. Orange is an understatement. I don't want to be cynical, I'm just saying that there is a reason that tanning beds look like coffins.
As I sit here capping off a pint of ice cream (it was a rough break up), I reminisce about the good old days. I miss the days when I was in high school and could eat two lunches, two dinners, and finish the night with the classic half-gallon bowl of chocolate ice cream topped with 10-15 pizza rolls. Those were the days.
Tip Of The Day: The next time your throat is itchy, scratch your ear. You can thank me later.
Shout out to Somerlyn Wood.
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