Sunday, May 1, 2011

I used to be indecisive, now I'm just not sure.

It's one of my biggest debates with myself.  I'm open to opinions though.

Ladies and Gentlemen, devout followers, I apologize for my hiatus.  Last Thursday, St. Patrick's Day, was my birthday, and I got sidetracked.....for a couple days.  If you were gracious enough to wish me a Happy Birthday or anything along those lines, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  If you didn't, I hope you get hit by a freight train.  Regardless, I am back, so you can resume your normal lives, and I truly hope this little hiccup did not have too devastating an effect on your sanity.

As I was driving back from Alabama the other day, I was passed by a semi truck (don't judge, I had time to burn and gas to save so I was driving slow on purpose).  Any way, this semi truck was one of the huge tanker that holds gasoline or oil or something like that.  It's about 40 feet long, and made of very old rusty steel.  So why, I ask you, does this explosive, tetanus-inducing, massive behemoth of an automobile have a sitcker on the back that reads "INEDIBLE" in big block letters?  I simply want to know what happened that made that sticker necessary, that's all.

While driving around the nation over the past couple years I have noticed another bumper sticker/ flag/ sign that is very common: Baby On Board.  This is not a new take on this sticker, but the people that have one need to take a nice big gulp of common sense.  I hate to break it to you, but putting that little sticker on the back of your bumper changes absolutely nothing.  If somebody wants to hit your car that bad, chances are they don't care if it's a baby driving an ice cream truck full of puppies and bunnies.  Last time I checked, most people are relatively sane, not selectively moral, and are not planning on ramming random cars as they drive down the highway.

I often laugh about death.  Whoa, that sounded a lot more messed up than I thought it would.  I mean as in like fear of dying.  I like to think I'm not scared of dying, is what I'm trying to say.  Stop yelling at me.  Anyway, no matter how cool I like to think I am, I will never be as cool as a man I learned about named James French.  That is also probably not the best wording for that, seeing as French was a convicted murderer.  Nonetheless, as French was being strapped into the electric chair to be killed, his last words were, I kid you not, "Hey fellas, how about this for a headline for tomorrow's paper:  French Fries!!"  Go ahead and accept it.  No one, nowhere, EVER, will have a pun of that magnitude for the rest of humanity.  That, my friends, is dedication.  Now if only he hadn't been a serial killer.....

Random Fact Of The Day:  Barney (the purple dinosaur) is from Dallas, Texas.

Shout out to Jennilyn Pierson.

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