Sunday, May 1, 2011

A clear conscience is merely the result of a bad memory.

Well that works for me at least.

Congratulations students.  The semester is over.  Now that finals are done we can relax, move on with our lives, and stop posting facebook statuses saying "__ down, __ to go."  It is the Christmas season, and we're supposed to be jolly, so let's do it.

The other day I had the chance to go shopping and I took it (mistake).  I realize everybody has their thing, and shopping is absolutely not mine.  Personally, I enjoy shopping about as much as I like chewing on barbed wire.  I know a lot of people have bitched and made fun of the frayed and torn style of jeans, but I was fortunate enough to witness a girl that had a pair of jeans so messed up that the only possible logical explanation is that she was mugged, mauled by a bear, and then spent the night in a wood chipper.  And here I was trying to by clothes that would last....silly me.

As of December 16th, I am no longer a Californian.  Now I'm not gonna get sappy because nothing angers me more than a blog that's supposed to make me laugh and instead just looks like Cupid vomited on the keyboard.  However, I do have to say that I'll miss all you people, and we had a good run.  Now get your punk asses down to the south east to visit.  And yes, contrary to popular belief, we do actually have electricity, paved roads, and even color tv.

Admittedly, the flight from Sacramento to Atlanta was an interesting experience in itself.  To begin, I made it to the airport with four minutes left to check in.  No long teary goodbyes at this drop off.  Anyway, I got my bags checked and went to a bar to wait for my flight to board.  I ordered a beer and sat down next to an eccentric character who was drinking one of those drinks that makes you go colorblind for a week.  He was nice though, once I got past the smell of what I can only assume to be some combination of antifreeze and playdough.  Then on the airplane, as I am doodling on the magazine next to the advertisement for the top ten massage parlors in southern Chile, I notice that I am sitting behind an 8 or 9 year old girl with the drawing talent of Leonardo Da Fucking Vinci.  Talk about a self esteem crippler.  This girl drew a saint bernard on a napkin that looked so realistic that I'm positive I heard it bark.   Just ridiculous.  The second flight was horrific, including the "reuben sandwich" that had to have been made from shredded horse hooves and sour cream.  The only thing that kept me sane and pressing on was the fact that I knew in only a few hours I would have the food which I am still convinced is the reason Jesus is coming back:  Zaxby's.  And driving from Atlanta, cruising into Macon at an alarming rate, I saw it.  It stood there, exactly like in my dreams, like a marvelous, shining roller coaster made of Jolly Ranchers.  I won't go into details, but it got messy, and it was incredible.

Emoticon of the Day:  Bipolar face-->    : ) :

Shout out to Graham Williams.

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